
The PCR test imposed on the world by WHO is not capable of detecting infection!

tnv1Review report Corman-Drosten et al. Eurosurveillance 2020

This extensive review report has been officially submitted to Eurosurveillance editorial board on 27th November 2020 via their submission-portal, enclosed to this review report is a retraction request letter, signed by all the main & co-authors. First and last listed names are the first and second main authors. All names in between are co-authors.

External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results.
Pieter Borger(1), Bobby Rajesh Malhotra(2) , Michael Yeadon(3) , Clare Craig(4), Kevin McKernan(5) , Klaus Steger(6) , Paul McSheehy(7) , Lidiya Angelova(8), Fabio Franchi(9), Thomas Binder(10), Henrik Ullrich(11) , Makoto Ohashi(12), Stefano Scoglio(13), Marjolein Doesburg-van Kleffens(14), Dorothea Gilbert(15), Rainer Klement(16), Ruth Schruefer(17), Berber W. Pieksma(18), Jan Bonte(19), Bruno H. Dalle Carbonare(20), Kevin P. Corbett(21), Ulrike Kämmerer(22)


English is not normal

ann1English speakers know that their language is odd. So do people saddled with learning it non-natively. The oddity that we all perceive most readily is its spelling, which is indeed a nightmare. In countries where English isn’t spoken, there is no such thing as a ‘spelling bee’ competition. For a normal language, spelling at least pretends a basic correspondence to the way people pronounce the words. But English is not normal.

Spelling is a matter of writing, of course, whereas language is fundamentally about speaking. Speaking came long before writing, we speak much more, and all but a couple of hundred of the world’s thousands of languages are rarely or never written. Yet even in its spoken form, English is weird. It’s weird in ways that are easy to miss, especially since Anglophones in the United States and Britain are not exactly rabid to learn other languages. But our monolingual tendency leaves us like the proverbial fish not knowing that it is wet. Our language feels ‘normal’ only until you get a sense of what normal really is.


This Wooden Sculpture Is Twice as Old as Stonehenge and the Pyramids

shi1New findings about the 12,500-year-old Shigir Idol have major implications for the study of prehistory

Gold prospectors first discovered the so-called Shigir Idol at the bottom of a peat bog in Russia’s Ural mountain range in 1890. The unique object—a nine-foot-tall totem pole composed of ten wooden fragments carved with expressive faces, eyes and limbs and decorated with geometric patterns—represents the oldest known surviving work of wooden ritual art in the world.

More than a century after its discovery, archaeologists continue to uncover surprises about this astonishing artifact. As Thomas Terberger, a scholar of prehistory at Göttingen University in Germany, and his colleagues wrote in the journal Quaternary International in January, new research suggests the sculpture is 900 years older than previously thought.


COVID’s Covert Reengineering of Humanity. “Genetically Modified” Vaccines?

2Untested GMO Vaccination in ‘Human Laboratory’ Trial

The first Covid vaccines now being rushed onto the market are genetically modified products. However, they are not publicly referred to as such, because that would likely scare off a high percentage of would be recipients.

Nevertheless, the public has more than ‘a right’ to be informed what it is that is to be injected into their bloodstream. It should be obligatory upon those doing the injecting to convey this information.

The phrase used by the constitutions of most countries –  dealing with human health concerns – is that nobody should be pressured into accepting medical treatment without their ‘informed consent’ to do so.

An informed choice ought to be pretty simple once one realises one is being used as a guinea pig in a vast experiment on human health.


COVID-19: Closer to the Truth: Tests and Immunity

ptcThe RT-PCR "Test Detects Virus Particles, Not the Whole Virus"

The number of positive RT-PCR tests, which diagnose the presence of pieces [fragments] of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, is equated in the press and government reports with the number of new COVID-19 cases. This is not entirely true. This is misleading. It suggests a resurgence of the disease. COVID-19 is the name of the disease.

The RT-PCR test is just a means of detecting SARS-CoV-2, and that test is unreliable. Some people are asymptomatic, or with mild symptoms. Testing positive, which is already subject to interpretation, does not mean “sick”. Other doctors, including virologists, say so and warn of the current danger of this confusion maintained by official bodies.

The tests (screening, diagnosis, immunity) symbolize the blind and total belief in the omnipotence of technical medicine and technology. This illusion is maintained by industry, by some doctors and by the media.


Slavishe steden van Nederland

sg1Toen ik met plezier de nederlandse taal ging bestuderen, was ik geschokt dat de nederlandse en de russiesche taal de zelfde kern hebben en dat nederlanders honderden jaren geleden, de zelfede taal spraken als wij, Slaven.

De hele serie filmen "Nederlanders - zij Ivanen die hun voorouders zijn vergeten" kun je vinden op mijn youtube kanaal «Olga Rotterdam Правдивая История».

De vraag die je jezelf gelijk steld: Als oude Hollanders vroegers in he Oud-Slavishe praatten of in een dialect, dan moesten ze deze gebieden ook bewonen. Dus moest er ook iets van hen achterblijven in de plaats- en rivier- namen. En ik dacht dat ik het beste kon beginnen met de plaatsnamen. Ik kon niet geloven hoeveel bijzondere ontdekkingen ik had gemaakt op de eerste etappe van mijn onderzoek!!!


Problems of raising modern children

pvdWhy are our children so bored at school, cannot wait, get easily frustrated and have no real friends?

I am an occupational therapist with 10 years of experience working with children, parents, and teachers. In my practice, I have seen and continue to see a decline in kids’ social, emotional, and academic functioning, as well as a sharp increase in learning disabilities and other diagnoses.

Today’s children come to school emotionally unavailable for learning, and there are many factors in our modern lifestyle that contribute to this. As we know, the brain is malleable. Through environment, we can make the brain “stronger” or make it “weaker”. I truly believe that, despite all our greatest intentions, we unfortunately remold our children’s brains in the wrong direction.


The Coronation

kcFor years, normality has been stretched nearly to its breaking point, a rope pulled tighter and tighter, waiting for a nip of the black swan’s beak to snap it in two. Now that the rope has snapped, do we tie its ends back together, or shall we undo its dangling braids still further, to see what we might weave from them?

Covid-19 is showing us that when humanity is united in common cause, phenomenally rapid change is possible. None of the world’s problems are technically difficult to solve; they originate in human disagreement. In coherency, humanity’s creative powers are boundless. A few months ago, a proposal to halt commercial air travel would have seemed preposterous. Likewise for the radical changes we are making in our social behavior, economy, and the role of government in our lives. Covid demonstrates the power of our collective will when we agree on what is important. What else might we achieve, in coherency? What do we want to achieve, and what world shall we create? That is always the next question when anyone awakens to their power.