Page 47 - Возможности Разума 1
P. 47

Барбара Купман «Экстрасенсорное целительство и анизотропная Вселенная»

               18. Certified English translation of commen-dation letter and evaluation of Levashov's theories, 2003.
               19. Certified English translation of similar commendation and evaluation of Levashov's theo-ries,
               20. Certified English translation of evaluation of Levashov's Russian version of The Anisotropic
          Universe, 2003.
               21. Ralston JP, Nodland B. «An update on cosmological anisotropy in electromagnetic propaga-tion».
          Proceeding of the 7th International Confer-ence on the Intersection of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Big
          Sky, Montana, 1997. Editor TW Don-nelly, American Institute of Physics, Woodbury, NY, 1997.
               22. Wilford JN. «Research Suggests Universe Has an “Up” and a “Down”». New York Times, April
          18, 1997.

               23. Whitehouse D. «Map reveals strange cos-mos». BBC News UK edition, March 3, 2003.
               24.  Magueijo  J.  Faster  Than  the  Speed  of  Light:  the  Story  of  a  Scientific  Speculation.  Perseus
          Publishing, 2003.
               25. Klauber RD. «Modern Physics and Subtle Realms: Not Mutually Exclusive». Journal of Scien-
          tific Exploration, 2000, vol. 14, no. 2.

               26. Tiller WA. «Energy Fields and the Human Body», Part II. Proceedings of the Association for
          Research and Enlightenment's Symposium on «Mind-Body Relationships in the Disease Process», Phoenix,
          AZ, January, 1972.
               27. Poponin V. «The DNA Phantom Effect: Direct Measurement of A New Field in the Vacuum
          Substructure». Report from the Institute of Heart-Math, Research Division, Boulder, Co, updated March,
               28. Targ R. From a radio interview with Art Bell, March 27, 2004.

               29. Buka SL et al. «Maternal Infections and Subsequent Psychosis Among Offspring». Archives of
          General Psychiatry, vol. 58, no. 11, November, 2001.
               30. Koopman B, Blasband R. «Two Cases of Distant Healing: New Paradigms at Work?» Alterna-
          tive Therapies in Health and Medicine, Jan/Feb 2002, vol.8, no.1
               31. Scott JN et al. «Long-term Glioblastoma Survivors: a Population-based Study». The Canadian
          Journal of Neurological Sciences, 1998, vol.25, no. 197.

                                                             * * *

               Оригинальный материал опубликован в следующих источниках:
               Koopman, BG.  “Psychic Healing of a Case of Glioblastoma Multiforme in a Three-Month-Old In-
          fant” The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine, Winter 2001, vol. 5, no. 1. [A journal edited and read
          by traditional physicians, dedicated to critiquing and exposing questionable healing practices.  This article
          was set up as a target for criticism, but the physician readership could find no flaws in it].  Subject:  Isabelle

               Koopman, BG. “Two Cases of Distant Healing: New Paradigms at Work?” Alternative Therapies in
          Health and Medicine, Jan/Feb 2002 vol. 8, no. 1.  Subjects:  Isabelle P and Sasha K  (Correction of Testicu-
          lar Agenesis).
               Koopman, BG.  “Distant Healing Revisited:  Time for a New Epistemology” Alternative Therapies

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