Page 20 - Revelation
P. 20

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  To my great surprise, I perceived it very calmly, as if I knew that it would not
            last forever. Each of them came to me and laid their right arm on my chest, which
            made  me  feel  astonishing  warmth  and  calmness.  The  touch  of  each  spirit  left  a
            different shining colour on me, and in the end my body shone with twelve amazingly
            bright changing colours. I again heard strange music within myself and everything
            disappeared, and I remembered nothing more.

                     The awakening

                  I slowly came back home, feeling loss and happiness at one and the same time.
           When I got there, I bumped into a huge surprise: my mother was waiting for me in my
           room almost about to faint. The world turned upside down and I fell from my "shining
           dreams" right down into pitiless reality. I could not lie, but I absolutely did not know
           what to say; also I felt that my mother perfectly knew that it somehow related to my
           "strange talents", the conversation about which neither she nor I would, regrettably, be
           able to avoid.

                  To my enormous relief, she said nothing that night. Maybe, she did not know
            what to say. But the next morning the windows in my room were thoroughly nailed
            up. My mother did not mention the incident for a couple of weeks, as if giving me
            time to realize what I had "done", which did not make me feel the least bit better. My
            dad was on a trip on his reporter’s business then, and I hoped with all my heart that
            somehow everything would settle down and be forgotten before his arrival, but that
            did not happen. One morning, before going to work, my mother said that she wanted
            to talk to me. Of course, it was not a big secret for me, what she wanted to talk about…

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