Page 3 - Revelation
P. 3

Svetlana  means  "Bearing  Light".  It  very  rarely  happens  that  the  destiny  of  a
            person,  their  deeds  and  name,  fully  coincide,  as  happened  in  Svetlana  de  Rohan-
            Levashov’s case. All her life, from earliest childhood, was permeated with an aspiration
            to Light, Knowledge and spiritual development. That her fate is unusual is the very
            least one can say. From the very beginning of her life she had to adapt to the fact that
            she differed greatly from people around her, that she could do a lot of things which
            were inaccessible and incomprehensible for others. Being yet very little, Svetlana had
            to study and master her abilities, to learn how to control and use them correctly. She
            experienced  the  bitter  taste  of  misunderstanding  and  mistrust,  envy  and  cruelty,
            loneliness and hatred very early on. Her miraculous innate abilities were misunderstood
            and unclaimed; she had to survive and live in this world, a very dangerous and insidious
            world, especially, for a lonely little girl…

                                                                                © Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova


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