Page 301 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 301
«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov
is also true:
if (Δλ′12 - aγ′2) < 0
Primary matters of type λ′1 dimension synthesis occur.
In other words, in the mergence zone, synthesis of primary matters of either of the
two types of matrix spaces can occur at the expense of the other types of matters
which disintegrate. As the synthesis proceeds, primary matters of an intermediate
dimension type can be assimilated, and the intermediate matter, which is released as a
result, causes instability in matrix spaces having a quantization coefficient of:
γ1 or γ2 – depending upon the direction of the primary matter flow.
This is reminiscent in nature of the exothermic and endothermic reactions occurring on
the microcosmic level, in the process of which heat is either absorbed from the
surrounding space or released into it (see Ch. 10).
Let us return to the processes unfolding in the mergence zone of two matrix spaces ...
Depending upon how the three conditions described above interact in the mergence
zone of the two matrix spaces – a zone of a given type of matter is either synthesized
or disintegrated.
The first case gives rise to a center of creation of space-universes with a specific type
of quantization of their space dimension (the superanalog of a star – see F Fi ig g. . 1 16 66 6).
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