Page 309 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 309
«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov
directions. This, in turn, leads to differing degrees of secondary impact by the emerging
metauniverses on the matrix space dimension of their respective zones. The curvature
arising at the moment of superexplosion also has a different sign along the axis of the
matrix space mergence zones (see F Fi ig gs s. . 1 16 67 7,1 16 68 8). Consequently, the metauniverses
arising in these inner zones of matrix space curvature cause secondary dimensional
curvature in a direction opposite to and parallel to the axis of the matrix space mergence
These oppositely-directed deflections occur on both sides as the metauniverses undergo
formation. This leads to the closure of the matrix space's secondary curvature in the
region of the balanced dimensionality of the matrix space that existed prior to the
Thus, from the unfolding of the above processes, a closed system of metauniverses
emerges – a superspace of the first order (see F Fi ig g. . 1 17 70 0).
In our matrix space, the mergence of opposing currents, flowing from opposite
directions, occurs as a result of the impact of the metauniverses on the matrix space
dimension and gives rise to metauniverses composed of nine forms of matter. In the
process, superspace closes in upon itself like a clam in its shell.
Primary matters flowing through the matrix space mergence zone happen to lack the
next region of the matrix space dimensional curvature which would allow fusion to
occur. Such zones arise only when two mergence zones of the same-sign matrix spaces
emerge relatively ТcloseУ to one another. This type of mergence generates
countercurrents of inner curvature of the matrix space dimension, creating
supplementary zones of the matrix space's inner dimensional curvature.
In these zones, metauniverses arise from the fusion of ten forms of matter. This, in turn,
again leads to the mergence of these newly-arisen structures as they flow from opposite
directions, as a consequence of their influence on the dimension of the matrix space
they happen to occupy.
A superspace of the second order is thus created out of ten forms of matter (see F Fi ig g. .
1 17 72 2).
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