Page 325 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 325
«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov
five, four, three, and two primary matters possessing our type of dimensional
quantization. If we consider, then, the evolution of a metauniverse on a cosmic scale,
we may speculate that the central region, composed of nine forms of matter, is the most
stable, while the borderline zones seem especially unstable – an instability stemming
from the extreme impact caused by the mergence of two primary matters in the
borderline space universes.
As this evolutionary process unfolds, certain disturbances arise in the substance making
up these space universes. These make for instability – throughout the mergence zones
of space universes composed of three types of matter – giving rise to a change in the
dynamics of these space universes' ongoing processes.
Gradually, these disturbances spread, penetrating through to the shared elements of the
borderline space universes, toward the central space universe created by the mergence
of nine primary matters.
Thus, there is one direction in which a consistent chain of events is unfolding in
our metauniverse – from the space universe composed of two primary matters to
those synthesized from nine (see F Fi ig g. . 1 16 65 5).
That is why perturbation of primary matters comes to our space universe from the space
universe composed of six primary matters. Once they have undergone the stages of
evolutionary development in our space universe, they flow over into the next composed
of eight primary matters and, similarly, reach the center of our metauniverse – a space
universe made up of nine primary matters. It is for this reason that time flows in one
direction only.
Then, after completing the developmental cycle in our space universe, the primary
disturbances bearing the “imprint” of the latter's processes – reach this space
universe composed of eight primary matters and, through it, arrive at the center
of our metauniverse's zone of dimensional curvature.
In other words, the “apartment house” of our analogy also happens to have floors
located below the zero level. Thus we may extend the analogy of the “water leak” as
follows: from the first floor it leaks down to the first “basement” floor, then down to
the second, third, etc., “basement” floors. So, even when the water leak on the seventh
floor has been repaired, the water that had accumulated there over time continues
seeping downward.
Any given moment of present time becomes past and – turning into a small “drop” it
merges with the River of Time flowing from the future into the past...
Just as we may ascend to the seventh floor and learn of an event that is slated to take
place a little later on, so it happens that we may also descend to the “basement” floors
and learn what has already transpired in the past.
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