Page 399 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 399

«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov

                                             Fig.  147.  Creation  of  an  electron  couple  during  the
                                             bonding of an atom into molecules.

                                                   1. Electron with negative spin.
                                                   2. Electron with positive spin.
                                                   3. Peripheral zone of curvature of the first type.

                                                   4. Peripheral zone of curvature of the second type.

                                             Fig. 148. Tunnel effect phenomenon produced by nuclei
                                             of  various  elements  having  different  impacts  on  their
                                             surrounding space. At the borderline between substances
                                             of  different  composition,  a  differential  arises  between
                                             their space curvatures – which is precisely what causes
                                             the tunnel effect.
                                                   1. Physical sphere.
                                                   2. Etheric sphere.

                                                   3. Structure of a first-type substance.
                                                   4. Structure of a second-type substance.

                                                   5. Matter coagulates as it flows through the zone of
                                             non-uniform space curvature.

                                             Fig.  149.  Endothermic  reaction;  absorption  of
                                             fragmented  matter  from  the  surrounding  space  during
                                             formation  of  molecules,  when  combining  atoms  of
                                             insufficient  space  curvature  are  connected  to  the
                                             dominant atom.
                                                   1. Dominant atom.

                                                   2. Combining atom.
                                                   J1 – levels of the dominant atom's curvature.

                                                   J2 – levels of the Combining atom's curvature .
                                                   E – matter absorbed from the surrounding space.

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