Page 61 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 61

«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov

            When this occurs the amount of primary matter, especially G-matter, which flows to
            the  etheric  level,  becomes  excessive  on  that  level  (Fig.  21).  Upon  complete

            disintegration  of  the  former  physical  cell,  its  constituent  organic  molecules,  the
            building blocks for new cell creation, remain. When the flooding of primary matters
            from the physical level over to the etheric level ceases, the excess amount of G-matter
            from the two new emerging etheric cells starts flowing via the same channels from the
            etheric to the physical body and creates a projection of the etheric cell on the physical
            level (F Fi ig g. .   2 21 1a a).

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