Page 285 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 285
Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1
the white race had a Vedic world view, they would be unable to subdue the Slavs-
Aryans. They had understood this long ago and, taking advantage of the ready formu-
la — Egyptian cult of Osiris, the Israelites began to carry a mortally dangerous “vi-
rus” of the religion of slaves from one country to another with them. The Israelites
nearest “kinsfolk” — other Semitic tribes, the people of the grey sub-race, the Achil-
les’ heel of which was the presence of the black race genes, became the first victims
of this ideological weapon. Due to the reasons mentioned before, the genetics of the
black race was the most vulnerable for the actions of Dark Forces.
In different countries and empires the cult of Osiris could have different names,
but its essence was the same: the God died for the sins of the whole of humanity and
promised paradisiacal life to his followers after their death. In Asia Minor it was
called the cult of Attis, in Syria — the cult of Adonis, on Roman lands — the cult of
Dionysius, etc. All these cults were a mirror reflection of the cult of Osiris. They
changed the name of the God’s son, added some native “exotics” and adjusted place
and time, creating a “new” cult. Several millennia of Osiris’s cult application as a
psychological weapon showed its effectiveness in the slave-owning society. That is
why the Israelites offered this cult to all rulers who aspired to have absolute power. A
question may arise: why did the Israelites wish to help to those in power of different
countries to get absolute power and to retain it with the help of religion? There are
several reasons for this “oddity”.
Firstly, it is people with enormous personal ambitions who usually strive for ab-
solute power, but who do not have the necessary qualities and properties which
would correspond to the level of their ambitions. In other words, these people carry a
negative evolutional warp. They are an excellent instrument in the Dark Forces’
Secondly, the cults of Osiris, Attis, Adonis, Dionysius, and later, Christ, brain-
wash people, converting them into corporal and spiritual slaves. These cults, which
actually are the cult of Osiris, independent of the name, suggest the idea that every-
thing that happens to people, including slavery, is nothing else but God’s punishment
for sins or His heaven-sent test to verify a person’s faith. If a person accepts all this
without complaint, he will be rewarded with eternal life in heaven...
Thirdly, these cults carry a “Trojan horse” — the idea that Judaic people are
chosen people. Through these cults the idea that the Israelites are higher creatures,
allegedly chosen by God to conduct His plans on Midgard-earth, is imposed on peo-
Fourthly, the majority of those who had an evolutional warp had different
pathological “weaknesses” which were very skillfully cultivated in them by the Isra-
elites through the system of “entertainment” which they controlled. Thus, these peo-
ple were on the “hook” and therefore were easily manipulated.
Fifthly, in order to take power, outcasts needed substantial finances which were
“kindly” given by the Israelites.
Thus, the absolute power of people with an evolutional warp allowed the Israel-
ites, who usually stood behind this kind of ruler, to systematically fulfill their pro-
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