Page 381 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 381

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            gives him the opportunity to be the creator of his own life, as only man himself, not
            God or anyone else, determines his deeds and bears full responsibility (not just the
            moral one) for them.

                  The book contains 82 high-quality author's illustrations.

                  The Anisotropic Universe

                  Laws of nature are formed at the macrocosmic and microcosmic levels. Man, as
            a living creature, exists in a so-called intermediate world – between macro- and mi-
            cro-world. In this intermediate world he has to deal only with manifestations of natu-
            ral laws, but not with them as such. As a result, it is almost impossible to create a
            complete picture of the Universe. This occurs because man tends to use his sense or-
            gans to cognize nature. He fails, because human sense organs cannot give him such a
            possibility  owing  to  the  fact  that  they  (organs)  were  created  by  nature  only  as  a
            mechanism of adaptation to the ecological niche, which man occupies, not as a tool
            of cognition...

                  The book contains 99 high-quality author's illustrations.

                  The Mirror of My Soul

                  An Autobiographic chronicle Vol. 1 Born in the USSR.

                  There  are  several  reasons  why  I  decided  to  write  my  own  biography.  First,
            whenever I had occasion to talk about some events of my life, my stories would often
            come back to me in the form of the most unimaginable “folklore.” In fact, my tales
            took on such “facts” and colourations that even I listened to them with interest. The
            second reason that impelled me to such a “feat” was the fact that every now and then
            someone would appear and offer to write my biography—and every time something
            stopped me. Once I even agreed to have an American woman author garner my recol-
            lections onto audiocassettes and spent several days with her recording them. But then
            I changed my mind and gave up all the offers. First of all, I had to expend a lot of
            time describing and explaining events that had happened to me. Secondly, to my utter
            astonishment, writers and journalists managed to distort everything despite their hav-
            ing my recorded recollections: this would include exaggerating, distorting facts and
            sometimes simply telling bare-faced lies...

                  Revelation by Svetlana de Rohan-Levashov

                  Vol. 1. Childhood
                   “Svetlana” means “Bearing Light”. It very rarely happens that the destiny of a
            person, his deeds and his name fully coincide, as happened in Svetlana de Rohan-
            Levashov’s case. All her life, from earliest childhood, was permeated with an aspira-
            tion to Light, Knowledge and spiritual development. That her fate is unusual is the
            very least one can say. From the very beginning of her life she had to adapt to the fact
            that she differed greatly from people around her, that she could do  a lot of things
            which were inaccessible and incomprehensible for others. Being yet very little, Svet-
            lana had to study and master her abilities, to learn how to control and use them cor-
            rectly. She early experienced the bitter taste of misunderstanding and mistrust, envy

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