Page 9 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 9
Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1
history of the Great Russian people. I am not driven by Russian chauvinism, as some
would like to think, but by the debt owed to our Great Ancestors, Great in the com-
plete sense of this word. And for the sake of historical justice, I would like to pay at-
tention to the fact that chauvinism is alien to the Russian people. These are not just
words, but the historical truth. Not a single minority resident on the territory of the
Russian State was destroyed, even when they came as enemies; they all kept their
language, culture and traditions. In addition, many minorities were kept safe only
because Russian blood was shed; the Georgians, Armenians, Tajiks, Kirghizs,
Kajsans, Kalmucks and many others were saved from being wiped out by their ene-
mies. It is a shame that many of these people forgot about it, most of all, the Che-
chens. They appealed for help against “Russian chauvinism” to the world community
and primarily, to the USA, for some reason forgetting or “simply” not knowing that
in this very country, which defends human rights all over the world, “human rights”
for “some” reason were repeatedly violated.
When the migrants from Western Europe arrived in North America, there were
about twenty million American Indians (almost the same number of people lived
then in the whole Western Europe) who formed more than two thousand two hun-
dred tribes and nations of the pre-Columbus America. Today only five hundred
tribes with a population totalling about eight hundred thousand persons live on
reservations which are in the worst and least productive parts of their Mother-
land. One thousand seven hundred tribes of Native Americans disappeared for-
ever from the face of their own land, but their number could now have been equal to
the European population.
But there is more. Two hundred fifty thousand Americans of Japanese origin
were thrown into concentration camps in 1941 just because they had Japanese
roots. The Americans never shed a drop of their blood rescuing others. It is true that
they “politely offered” the Kingdom of Hawaiian Islands their protection from the
Japanese, during the American-Japanese war in 1941-1945 provoked by President
Roosevelt, but for some reason their “defending” and “care” went so far that since
then Hawaii has became the fiftieth, and for now, the last state of the USA. Persons
interested could ask the native Hawaiians what they think about this kind of “de-
fence” and “care.” But for some reason no one sees all this, while Russia is blamed
for all deadly sins. And this is done instead of gratitude that Russia saved dozens of
small and not so small people from total extermination, both physical and spiritual.
Certainly, as in the history of any other country, Russia has had its black days;
there were enough degenerates and dregs among the Russian people who held noth-
ing sacred, who became social outcasts (izgoi) at their wish and treated their Mother-
land like the enemy. Luckily, there were not so many of them. On selling their souls
and getting power in their hands as payment, these people, first of all, began to de-
stroy the Russian people, Russian culture and traces of the great past of the Russian
people. This is fact which no one is able to refute. During the Last Night of Svarog,
which lasted a thousand years and finished in 1996, so many misfortunes and hoo-
doos befell the Russian people that would have been enough for dozens of other peo-
ples: nevertheless, the Russian people survived and will regenerate again, like the
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