Page 10 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 10

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

            We can observe this, for ex-ample, in the increasing number of elementary particles
            postulated to explain the composition of physical matter — "leptons," "quarks" and
            "mediators."  The  leptons  are  then  further  divided  by  categories  to  match  their
            "quantum qualities." while the quark family is assigned six  "flavors" for a similar
            purpose. And the classification gets even more detailed, finally yielding a plethora of
            elementary particles, including 12 leptons, 36 quarks and 12+ mediators.

                  Compounding this — in order to deal with "vacuum energy density" Einstein
            was compelled to "plug in" a "Cosmological Constant," which impelled even experts

            in  the  field  to  point  out  its  "underlying  misunderstanding,"  "missing  pieces"  and
            "important misconceptions."     4

                  "Superstring" theory, defined in terms of 10 and 26 dimensions followed, plus
            an additional computed "11-dimension" postulate described in the literature as "being
            inaccessible  to  both  our  known  physical  sensory  system  and  to  our  present
            instrumentation." All this highlights the fact that when a system starts to collapse —
            when new evidence appears that destroys the fundamental structure — a giant crisis
            in  science  ensues.  Levashov  bases  his  position  on  an  altogether  different  view  of
            reality  —  an  anisotropic  universe  and  the  quantized  structure  of  space.  By
            contrast,  modern  cosmologists  assume  that  the  universe  is  isotropic  and  all  their
            theories are based on assumptions of isotropic space.

                  Levashov's  position  breaks  sharply  with  the  conventional  paradigm.  In  an
            anisotropic  universe,  the  quality  of  space  changes  in  the  different  directions  —
            opening  up  an  enormously  rich  and  exciting  panorama  of  possibilities.  The
            importance of this approach lies in the fact that everything can be explained on this
            basis,  with  no  "missing  pieces"  —  making  possible  a  valid  formulation  of  a  long
            sought-after unified theory. There are many treasures to be plumbed in this book. The
            deeper we penetrate into the  multidimensional reality  of Levashov, the  greater the
            enlightenment and awe we feel. Reading Spirit and Mind can change forever the way
            we look at the world and what it holds in store for us.

                                                                Mark J. Friedman, Ph.D. Associate Professor Mathematical

                                               Sciences Dept. University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville,
                                               AL 3589

                  4  Tiller, William A., Science and Human Transformation: Subtle Energies, Intentionality, and Consciousnes,
                  Pavior Publishing, Walnut Creek, California, 1997.

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