Page 232 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 232
Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1
Fig. 46 — Saturation of a human's
astral body by G and F matters, leading to
an increase in its self-dimensionality level.
When this level reaches the upper range of
the astral plane's dimensionality, the astral
body is rendered unstable.
This triggers its ejection of
accumulated primary matters, and thus, its
return to the lowest level of its initial self-
dimensionality. An astral body regulates
human emotions and is therefore called the
"emotional biorhythm."
1. Physical body.
2. Etheric body.
3. Astral body.
4. First mental body.
h, i, j — qualitative barriers between
a human's physical, etheric, astral and first
mental bodies, respectively
Fig. 47 — Saturation of a human's first
mental body with primary matters G, F
and E, which leads to an increase in its
self-dimensionality level. When this level
reaches the upper limit of the mental
plane's dimensionality range, it renders the
first mental body unstable.
The latter then unloads its
accumulated primary matters, thereby
triggering its return to the lowest level of
its initial self-dimensionality.
A new saturation of the first mental
body by G, F and E matter then begins,
and with it the self-dimensionality level
again starts to increase.
The self-dimensionality level of the
first mental body is what shapes and
influences one's intellectual abilities.
Therefore, this phenomenon is called the
"intellectual biorhythm." Periodic saturation of the first mental body takes longer
than saturation of the astral body; therefore, the intellectual biorhythm has a longer
duration than the emotional one.
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