Page 269 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 269

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

                  15. Etheric imprint of a new external signal of the second neuron.
                  16. Astral imprint of a new external signal of the second neuron.
                  17. Surplus atoms bonding to a section of a DNA/RNA molecular spiral on the
            physical level after entry of a new external signal into the first neuron.

                  18. Etheric imprint of a new external signal of the first neuron.
                  19. Astral imprint of a new external signal of the first neuron.
                  20. Surplus atoms bonding to a section of a DNA/RNA molecular spiral at the
            physical level after arrival of a new external signal in the second neuron.

                  21. Etheric imprint of a new external signal of the first neuron.

                  22. Astral imprint of another new external signal of the first neuron.
                  23. Linkage zone of the etheric structures of the first and second neurons.
                  24. Linkage zone of the astral structures of the first and second neurons.

                                                             Fig. 99 — Once the molecular structure of
                                                             the first neuron is restored to its  original
                                                             state  prior  to  the  entry  of  the  external
                                                             signal,  the  interconnection  on  the  etheric
                                                             and  astral  levels  does  not  dis-appear.  A
                                                             system  of  etheric  and  astral  neuronal

                                                             structures,       created        by       such
                                                             interconnections,  re-mains  and  does  not
                                                             disappear      if     it    has     originated
                                                             simultaneously  on  the  etheric  and  astral

                                                                  The  presence  of  closed  systems  of
                                                             etheric  and  astral  neuronal  structures

                                                             allows  man  to  think,  without  depending
                                                             upon the presence of informational signals
                                                             from  the  outside  world.  Man  ac-quires
                                                             the capacity for abstract thinking.

                                                                  1. Spiral of a DNA/RNA molecule at

                                                                     the physical level.
                                                                  2. Etheric  body  of  a  DNA/RNA

                  3. Astral body of a DNA/RNA molecule.

                  4. Enlarged section of a spiral at the physical level.
                  5. Corresponding enlargement of an etheric spiral.
                  6. Corresponding enlargement of an astral spiral.

                  7. Qualitative barrier between the physical and etheric levels of the planet.
                  8. Qualitative barrier between the etheric and astral levels of the planet.

                  10. Etheric imprint of an external signal of the first neuron.
                  11. Astral imprint of an external signal of the first neuron.

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