Page 37 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 37

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

            Whenever the dimensionality level of an atom or molecule differs from the optimum
            one, a force arises which restores it to a stable state.

                  The pendulum is an excellent example of this process. Its oscillation away from
            a state of stable equilibrium generates the force which returns it to this state. But what
            force is it that moves at-oms and molecules to the stable dimensionality level? By
            way of illustration, if we place floating balls of various size and weight into currents
            circulating in a pond, the currents will bring them to the levels corresponding to their
            own density.

                  Likewise, free matter propels atoms and molecules as it moves from higher to
            lower dimensionality levels. When such free-matter streams carry them from these
            higher to lower levels, this also generates the force that returns them to the levels of
            equilibrium.  This  is  related  to  the  creation  of  a  dimensionality  gradient  ±  L
            commensurate with the level of stable equilibrium.

                  The dimensionality level of an atom or molecule proper changes only when

            electromagnetic radiation is absorbed. In this process it acquires a new balanced
            dimensionality level of:

                  Lа1 = Lа +  Lλ                                                 (13)
                  This  is  critical  for  grasping  a  whole  array  of  natural  phenomena,  such  as
            atmospheric  electrical  charge,  tectonic  activity,  the  dependence  of  a  qualitative
            barrier's  thickness  upon  the  time  of  day,  etc...  Let  us  explore  these  phenomena  in
            more detail, since all of them are pivotal for the gene-sis of life on earth.

                  Let us start with atmospheric electrical charges. What is their nature and how

            are they generated? Their existence is a necessary condition for the genesis of life.
            Without  them  life  could  not  originate  on  our  planet.  Therefore  insight  into  their
            nature gives us the key to understanding how life originates both on our planet and on
            billions of other planets in the universe.

                  As  we  have  already  observed,  free  matter  reacts  in  various  ways  to
            dimensionality change: For example, atmospheric molecules on the sunlit surface of
            the planet absorb solar radiation, thereby increasing their dimensionality level — see
            equation (2). The net effect is to totally change the overall dimensionality level of the

            sunlit area by a specific value of ΔL.

                  As  a  result,  the  thickness  of  the  qualitative  barrier  between  the  physical  and
            etheric spheres changes. Free matter begins to accumulate at the level of the barrier.
            This occurs because of a drop in permeability between the free matter barrier and the
            more  powerful  interlevel  barrier.  Excessive  concentration  of  free  matter  keeps
            increasing as long as there is a changed dimensionality on the sunlit territory.

                  Another equally important process occurs parallel to this. The lit territory on
            its own undergoes an increase in its dimensionality level while the dark terrain
            continues to have a balanced dimensionality level. This creates a gradient between
            the dimensionality levels of the lit and

            dark areas, which is directed along the planetary surface.

                  This  leads  to  the  movement  of  free  matter  parallel  to  the  planetary  surface,
            starting  from  the  zone  of  higher  dimensionality  level  (lit  surface)  to  the  zone  of
            lower dimensionality (dark surface). In this process, gravitational force decreases as

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