Page 4 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
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Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1


                                                                                                   Volume 1

            Contents .................................................................................................................................... 4
            Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 4
            Preface: Barbara G. Koopman, M.D., Ph.D ............................................................................. 6
            Preface: Mark J. Friedman , Ph.D. ........................................................................................... 9
            Chapter 1. The qualitative structure of planet Earth .............................................................. 11
            Chapter 2. Living matter: how life arose in space ................................................................. 40
            Chapter 3. The nature of emotions and their role in the evolution of life ............................. 71
            Chapter 4. The nature of the emotions: the higher emotions in man .................................. 108
            Chapter 5. The Nature of Memory: Short- and Long-Term Memory ................................. 141
            Chapter 6. The nature and origin of consciousness ............................................................. 182
            Appendix. Guide to illustrations .......................................................................................... 203

                                                                 Copyright 1999 by Nicolai Levashov

                  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by
            any  electronic  or  mechanical  means  including  information  storage  and  retrieval
            systems  without  permission  in  writing  from  the  author.  Published  by  Nicolai
            Levashov. First edition.


                  The Soul, or Spirit — all of us wonder, "What is the soul?" and long to believe
            in its reality. No one appreciates the idea that we vanish — irrevocably — from the

            face of the earth, once we have passed away. Yet we can find nothing to assuage our
            hunger  for  knowledge  of  such  things  —  not  in  the  anecdotes  of  those  who  have
            returned from clinical death; not in the ruminations of priests or theologians.

                  So what can we expect in the hereafter — eternal darkness, purgatory, hell or

                  And, what exactly is — the SOUL?
                  Many people who have experienced head injuries or clinical death report seeing
            and  hearing  souls  of  the  deceased  and  viewing  the  channels  through  which  they
            depart. But -where do they go, where are "heaven" or "hell" if they exist and why
            can't the rest of us see, hear or sense any of this?

                  Current  medical  wisdom  tries  to  explain  away  real,  objective  phenomena  as

            merely the effect of oxygen deficit in the brain.

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