Page 44 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 44

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

            dimensionality  gradient,  atmospheric  charges  do  not  appear  along  the  planetary

                  In a highly rarefied atmosphere, the lower layers are able to absorb the stellar
            radiation and the thermal radiation of the planet's surface layers. However, because of
            the extreme rarefaction there is no movement of atmospheric masses.

                  As we know, an atmosphere's dimensionality and density are determined by the
            planet's size and mass. Therefore, only planets comparable to Earth in size and mass
            have maximally favorable conditions for the origin of protein life. The atmosphere

              should be neither too "heavy" nor too "light".
                  4. The presence of a periodic succession of day and  night. Planetary days
            should be neither very short nor very long. Planets having days within the range of 18
            - 48 earth hours' duration are most conducive to the origin of life. The reason is that,
            during daylight hours, the dimensionality level of the sunlit area increases, due to
            absorption  of  the  stellar  and  thermal  surface  radiation.  Concomitantly,  the

            atmosphere's dimensionality level on the dark side of the planet remains the same or
              even drops.
                  This drop is due to a cooling off process as the molecules in the atmosphere
            emit thermal radiation. This creates a dimensionality gradient between daytime and
            nighttime surfaces of the planet. When the dimensionality gradient reaches a certain
            level,  a  movement of the lower atmospheric layers develops  along the  gradient

                  If  a  planetary  day  is  short  in  duration,  the  dimensionality  gradient  does  not
            attain the level for significant movement of masses of the planet's lower atmospheric
            layers. By contrast, a lengthy planetary day evokes gradients so huge that powerful

              atmospheric storms and hurricanes result.
                  This  destroys  the  planet's  surface  layer  and  precludes  the  development  of
            planetary  flora.  Concomitantly,  the  stormy  state  of  the  atmosphere  generates
            powerful  movements  of  the  ocean's  surface  layers,  rendering  the  origin  of  life  in

              water impossible.
                  5.  The  presence  of  atmospheric  electrical  discharges.  During  atmospheric
            electrical  activity,  a  synthesis  of  organic  molecules  occurs  in  sea  water.  An
            additional space curvature, causing a change in the dimensionality level, forms in the
            discharge zone. As a result, inorganic compound molecules dissolved in the water
              combine with one another in a totally new order.
                  Only  the  very  powerful  electrical  discharges  are  capable  of  creating  the
            necessary conditions at which a dimensionality level reaches a critical value. Chains
            of  uniform  atoms  constitute  organic  compounds.  The  latter  possess  two  vacant
            electron bonds on each atom, capable of bonding to free ions and other molecular

                  Atmospheric  electrical  discharges  develop  as  a  result  of  the  differential  in
            thickness  of  the  qualitative  barriers  between  physical  and  etheric  planetary  levels.
            When, at night, the Earth is enshrouded in darkness, the surface layer of the planet
            begins to cool down and emit thermal waves. And, as is the case with any type of

              radioactivity, the dimensionality level of the radiating atoms or molecules decreases.

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