Page 52 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 52

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

                  The atoms comprising these molecules create long chains curled into spirals. It is
            precisely the spiral spatial form of these  RNA and DNA molecules that create the
            qualities  crucial  for  the  existence  of  LIVING  MATTER  .  What  are  these
            ESSENTIAL QUALITIES that give rise to the miracle of life? What permits us to
            speak of a new evolutionary stage of living matter — the evolution of life itself? Let

            us try to fathom this miracle that is the wellspring of all living life...

                  A special quality of the RNA and DNA molecules is that the inner space of their
            spiral forms a distinctive tunnel. The spiral molecule has a significant impact on the
            dimensionality level of the tunnel's microspace. At the same time, this impact on the

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