Page 311 - Revelation
P. 311
Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova. Revelation
disappeared without a trace. Could people really not understand that they were
destroying our wonderful planet with their own hands, filling it with the poison of envy,
hatred and malice; that, on betraying others, they immersed their immortal souls into
the "black", thus closing the way for salvation? The Volkhvs were right, saying that
Earth was not ready... But it does not mean that one has to give up fighting for it!
That one has to sit around twiddling one's thumbs and wait until it "grows up" some
day! We don’t leave a child alone to look for the way of maturity on his own, do we?
How then can we leave our Earth without indicating the way and hoping that
somehow it will be lucky enough to survive on its own?!
I did not notice how quickly the time flew and was very surprised that the night
was falling. It was time to come back. Now my old dream to see Venice and family
home did not seem such a good idea... It did not bring me joy, on the contrary – on
seeing my native town so different, I felt bitterness and disappointment, nothing more.
I glanced at the so familiar and once beloved scenery once again, closed my eyes and
"wafted", perfectly understanding that I would never see it again...
Caraffa sat at the window in "my" room, being fully submerged in some sad
thoughts, hearing and noticing nothing around... I appeared in front his "holy" eyes so
unexpectedly, that the Pope gave a start, but immediately pulled himself together and
surprisingly calmly asked:
– Well, well. So where did you walk, Madonna?
His voice and eyes expressed strange indifference, as if it was absolutely the same
to the Pope what I did and where I went. It put me on my guard. I knew Caraffa quite
well (I think nobody knew him fully) and this kind of strange calmness portended
nothing good.
– I went to Venice, Your Holiness, to say goodbye... – I answered calmly.
– Where you pleased?
– No, Your Holiness, I was not. It’s not the same city as I remember it.
– See, Isidora, even cities have changed in such short time, not only people... and
the states, probably, too, if we look closer. Can’t I change?
He was in a strange mood, very unlike him, therefore I tried to answer very
carefully, not to touch by chance some "prickly" corner and get caught in the
thunderstorm of his "holy" anger which can destroy a far stronger person than me.
– Was it not you, Holiness that I remember saying you would live very long? Has
anything changed since then? – I asked quietly.
– Oh, it was just a hope, my dear Isidora! It was just a foolish and vain hope
which was blown away like smoke...
I waited patiently for him to continue, but Caraffa was quiet, being again
submerged in his sad thoughts.
– I am sorry, Your Holiness, do you happen to know what has become of Anna?
Why did she leave the monastery? – I asked, almost without a hope for an answer.
Caraffa nodded.
– She is coming here.
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