Page 140 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 140
«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov
biomass rapidly gains in volume: The embryo grows from a length of one centimeter
at one month of age to 9 centimeters at three months.
During the fourth month of human embryogenesis, the etheric body of the reptile leaves
the embryo to be replaced by the etheric body of a mammal. The embryo harmonizes
with the latter, and again, waste products enter the mother’s bloodstream.
In the fifth month the qualitative physical and spiritual structure of the embryo permits
the etheric body of a human spirit to harmonize with the embryo and enter it. As
before, with the disintegration of embryonic tissue accompanying the release of the
previous spirit, large quantities of proteinaceous waste materials enter the circulatory
system of the mother.
In the sixth month of development the embryonic rudimentary tail dissolves and
physically, the embryo takes on the form of the human etheric body, completing the
process by the time of the actual birth of a healthy and normal child. (F Fi ig g. . 6 63 3).
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