Page 142 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 142

«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov

            and  the  harmonization  of  the  two  is  made  possible  because  of  the  consecutive
            transformations within the biomass of the bodies of a fish, amphibian, reptile, and

                                                          mammal,  which  raise  the  qualitative
                                                          structure of the human embryo to a new
                                                          level. Thus, human embryogenesis repeats
                                                          the pattern of natural development from a
                                                          unicellular  organism  to  one  that  is
                                                          multicellular and complex in organization.

                                                          At the moment of conception, a human spirit
                                                          bonds  to  the  fertilized  ovum  and  guides
                                                          embryogenesis  for  the  duration  of  its
                                                          development  inside  the  womb.  If  a
                                                          miscarriage occurs (most likely at those times
                                                          when the mother’s organism is flooded with
                                                          waste  products  from  the  disintegration  of

                                                          embryonic  tissue)  then  the  spirit  loses  the
                                                          opportunity to create a new physical body for
                                                          itself.  An  energy  channel  does  not  appear
                                                          during miscarriage as it does with the death of
                                                          a  developed  human  being.  Thus,  the  spirit

                                                          would  be  unable  to  return  to  the  same
                                                          planetary level from which it came at the
                                                          moment  of  conception.  If  it  is  a  highly
                                                          developed spirit (one with at least one mental
                                                          body) it will be able to use its high potential
                                                          to create an energy channel and escape to a

                                                          planetary level where it can survive. In this
                                                          case,  however,  it  must  give  up  some  of  its
                                                          energy potential and therefore drop down to a
                                                          lower level of spiritual development. A spirit
                                                          which, developmentally, does not possess at
                                                          least one mental body is  easy prey for the

                                                          creatures  living  on  the  etheric  and  lower
                                                          astral levels. This is a fact of life.

                                                          Astral animals consume the spiritual bodies
                                                          of spirits (F Fi ig g. .   6 64 4). As a result the spirit dies.
                                                          The destruction of the spirit means that all

                                                          evolutionary  experience  and  abilities
                                                          acquired  throughout  all  incarnations
                                                          disappear          forever.         This         is
                                                          EVOLUTIONARY DEATH.

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