Page 147 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 147

«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov

            To do so we must return to the laws of the evolution of the spirit. The consecutive
            restoration of the etheric, astral and mental bodies to their level of development prior

            to the spirit’s entry into the biomass, and their further development, depend upon the
            consecutive acquisition of etheric, astral, and mental structures by the neurons of the
            brain. Genetic imbalance, disease, and inflammatory processes of the brain and spinal
            fluid in infancy can compromise the development and restoration of these structures.

            If the etheric structure of the neurons in a child’s brain is not restored the brain will
            remain dormant forever, resulting in varying degrees of mental deficiency. If genetic

            disturbances and/or inflammatory processes are moderate there may be an incomplete
            restoration of the spiritual structures, with weakening and slowing of the development
            of the astral, and later, mental structures of the brain. We should note, that for the
            harmonious  development  of  these  structures,  it  is  necessary  that  primary  matters
            circulating through the spiritual bodies stay in qualitative and quantitative balance.
            The three currents that establish this balance in normal development are:

                    1. Primary matter currents which form the etheric body, the spiritual
                    basis of the qualities of activity and will.
                    2. Primary matter currents which form the astral body, the spiritual basis
                    of emotional states.
                    3. Primary matter currents which form the mental body, the spiritual
                    basis of intelligence.
            In  brief,  these  are  the  currents  of  Will,  Heart,  and  Intelligence.  Their  balance,
            forming  a  golden  triangle,  is  the  basis  for  the  harmonious  development  of  an
            individual’s personality. A lack of the currents needed for the formation of a full
            etheric body will result in passivity and lack of will. A lack of the currents that
            form an astral body, will lead to a variety of emotional disturbances. A lack of the
            currents forming a mental body will lead to deficient intellectual development.

            There will also be a shift in the proportions of the primary matters that determine the
            various aspects of intelligence and a resulting imbalance in intellectual functioning, so
            that instead of a healthy rounding out of the personality the individual will be skewed
            in his intellectual preferences and inclinations.

            Thus,  a  balance  of  the  currents  of  Will,  Heart  and  Intellect  is  crucial  for  full

            development. As long as it exists, a person’s entire organism, including his brain, will
            be well protected against external intrusion and manipulation. The average person uses
            approximately  three  to  five  percent  of  his  brain,  the  remainder  (ninety-five  to
            ninety-seven percent) being unavailable to him. The remainder becomes usable only
            when a person moves to the evolutionary level of the highest mental planes. This is
            the  spirit’s  evolutionary  reserve.  We  will  reveal  its  origin  and  nature  in  a  later
            volume. For now, let us note that in addition to great potential benefits, the evolutionary

            reserve holds great dangers to man, as well. What is the nature of that danger?

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