Page 18 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 18

«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov

            wrong path. At the beginning of the creation of the thinking process, the capability of
            thinking was one of many potential reactions to the same information (F Fi ig g. .   1 1).

                    On this graph, labeled  “Logical  Foundation,” the  intensity  of perception  of
            reaction to the influence of information is located on the ordinate. Acceptability of that
            reaction  is  located  on  the  abscissa,  with  negative  reaction  to  the  left  of  zero,  and
            positive reactions to the right of zero. The curves on the chart represent everything in
            nature that has not yet been processed by the anti-entropic activity of intelligence. The

            chaotic splashes of curve are readily explained by physiological threshold effects.

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