Page 21 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 21

«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov

            survive the heavy impact of their positive and negative reactions to an informational
            input that extends out to infinity.

            Man’s primitive logical foundation has two major splashes to the right and to the left

            of zero, and also several minor ones. This fact shows once again that man never had
            before nor does he now have any obstacles to the construction of his own logical
            foundation  in  accordance  with  the  pattern  of  continuous  (non-binary)  logic
            generally  accepted  in  the  universe.  From  the  very  beginning,  man’s  intellect
            developed in a completely faulty manner, oriented only on those powerful splashes, so

            that it now approximates the appearance of the logical foundation shown in F Fi ig g. .   4 4.

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