Page 4 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
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«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov

            Preface 1 .................................................................................................................... 4
            Preface 2 .................................................................................................................... 6
            Introduction ................................................................................................................ 9
            The Third Appeal to Mankind .................................................................................. 14
            Chapter 1. The formation of planet Earth. The synthesis of non-living matter .......... 27
            Chapter 2. The emergence of life on Earth ............................................................... 40
            Chapter 3. Psi-fields in nature and in the evolution of intelligence ........................... 80
            Chapter 4. Formation of the ecological system of planet Earth ............................... 104
            Chapter 5. Evolutionary cycles on planetEarth: the multidimensionality of life ..... 110
            Chapter 6. The evolution of the spirit,the organism and intelligence ...................... 132
            Chapter 7. The evolutionary history of mankind .................................................... 190
            Chapter 8. The etiology and mechanisms of human disease ................................... 209
            Chapter 9. The effect of the spirit on the human organism and psyche ................... 219
            Chapter 10. The unity of microcosmic and macrocosmic laws in the universe ....... 265
            Chapter 11. Matrix space: the formation of super spaces ........................................ 297
            Chapter 12. Matrix space systems .......................................................................... 318
            Appendix 1. Derivation of the Formula for Species Self-Regulation ...................... 327
            Appendix 2. Derivation of the Formula for Ecological Systems ............................. 330
            Appendix 3. Derivation of the matrix space system formula .................................. 333
            Appendix 4. Exercises for developing and using your psi-field .............................. 335
            Appendix 5. List of illustrations ............................................................................. 337
            Other author's  books .............................................................................................. 409
            Books in the Process of Writing ............................................................................. 412

            Attention! To view the illustrations, click on the figure number in bold font. The required drawing
                                                                   is immediately loaded from the author's site

                                                                  Copyright © 1994 by Nicolai Levashov

            All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical
            means including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the author.
            Published by Nicolai Levashov. First edition.


            Translated from Russian into English by Alexander Nudelman
            Illustrations by Nicolai Levashov
            Text Editors:
            Barbara G. Koopman, M.D., Ph.D.
            Richard A. Blasband, M.D.
            Editorial Assistant: George Orbelian

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