Page 8 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
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«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov

            chemicals for farming, modifying the weather, and shifting bioenergetic potentials in
            the treatment of disease.

                  In  contrast  to  a  functional  science,  it  has  been  one  of  the  explicit  tasks  of
            mechanistic science to totally (or as much as possible) exclude the human subjective
            element from the investigatory process. However, the advent of quantum mechanics
            and the uncertainty principle indicated that this was in many cases not only a practical
            impossibility, but, thought a few daring scientists, undesirable. This seemed to mean
            little,  however,  to  the  vast  majority  of  scientists,  who  conditioned  by  mechanism,
            continued  to  refuse  to  acknowledge  their  role  in  the  outcome  of  experiments  and
            dismissed those who did with derision.
                  Among the exceptions are a few scientific investigators working on the cutting
            edge of consciousness, whereby experimental subjects without any particular psychic
            ability  can,  through  conscious  mental  intention,  significantly  influence  inanimate
            machines (random event generators) and accurately view scene,” that is, at apparently
            limitless distance between operator and object, but also independent of sidereal time .
                  Simply stating that Levashov thinks and functions in a non-mechanistic way does
            not, however, begin to convey the depth of his ability to penetrate into problems of
            natural  science  or  the  extent  of  his  mental  powers  as  a  “psychotronic”  healer,
            clairvoyant, and psychokineticist. I have studied psychotronic healing intensively with
            Nicolai for the last four years and assisted in several experiments correlating EEG
            output with mental intention and out-of-body states.

                  His  knowledge  and  understanding  of  most  areas  of  science  and  medicine  is
            extraordinarily broad and deep: In discussion of medical problems he never fails to
            astound  me  with  how  much  he  knows  about  the  fundamentals  of  normal  and
            pathological  physiology  and  many  of  the  flaws  in  reasoning  in  traditional  medical
            thinking. His system of psychotronic healing (the effect of the power of the mind on
            living and non-living matter, to be discussed in detail in later volumes) is based upon
            the deepest understanding of the fundamentals of what is correct in traditional medicine
            and his own discoveries in physics, biology, ecology and the role of the spiritual bodies
            in health and disease.
                  Most of the findings described in the chapters of this book are the bedrock of
            psychotronic healing: they are tools of the healer, just as calculus is that of the engineer.
            Without their use success in healing, no matter what the healing discipline (including
            traditional allopathic medicine), can only be incomplete.

                  Nicolai Levashov was born in 1961 in Kislovodsk, Russia. As a child he was not
            aware of anything unusual about himself, but later, as he grew and developed, came to
            realize that he had remarkable parapsychological powers. It was not, however, until he
            studied the scientific approach in university that he came to understand what, exactly,
            these powers were and how they could affect living and non-living substance.
                  This was accomplished through detailed, extensive questioning and analysis of
            what was given as the fundamental laws of nature. Not only did this provide answers
            not previously anticipated by science, but the process further developed his mental

                  5  Jahn, Robert and Brenda Dunne, Margins of Reality, New York, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1987.

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