Page 49 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 49

«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov

            In water, these chaotically moving molecules, atoms and ions migrate toward the zones
            of influence, λ'DNA and λ'RNA, created by the DNA and RNA molecules, respectively.

            There  they  start  disintegrating  into  their  constituent  primary  matters.  This  occurs
            because in the zone of influence of the much larger RNA and DNA molecules, the
            smaller simpler molecules, atoms, and ions simply cannot exist.

            Using channels created by DNA and RNA molecules, primary matters, released as by-
            products of the disintegration, flow onto the etheric level of Earth. The etheric sphere,

            you  will  recall  from  Chapter  1,  was  created  by  the  fusion  of  six  primary  matters
            (ABCDEF)  out  of  the  seven  kinds  of  matter  available  and  lacks  only  G-matter.
            Therefore, the DNA and RNA structures (which are projections of their microcosmic
            curvature on the etheric level) start filling up specifically with the only type of matter
            lacking on the etheric level, i.e., type G.

            The  flow  continues  until  the  concentration  of  G-matter  on  the  etheric  level

            approximates the concentration of G-matter on the physically solid Earth level. As a
            result of this process, the etheric bodies of DNA and RNA are then formed and the
            qualitative barrier between the physical and etheric levels completely disappears. A
            total identity of the physical and etheric levels of Earth is then achieved within the
            DNA and RNA molecules.

            An example of a similar process can be found in the law of communicating vessels

            (F Fi ig g. .   1 16 6).

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