Page 67 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 67

«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov

            In the course of further evolution such aggregates with their membranes so conjoined
            were  far  more  resistant  to  environmental  impact  than  an  individual  cell,  and  they

            became the next stage in the evolution of life.

            The cells most deeply embedded in the interior of the aggregate were surrounded on
            every side by other, more superficial cells, thus rendering the deeper cells practically
            impervious to the influence of the environment, in contrast to the surface cells which
            remained very much exposed. As a result, in the course of evolution, various cells in
            the aggregate began to specialize in different functions. The obvious consequence of

            this differentiation was the development of further dissimilarities in cellular appearance
            and structure.

            These  functional  distinctions  gradually  became  increasingly  apparent.  The
            differentiation  of  form  and  function  among  the  various  cells  of  one  complete
            cellular  aggregate  was  then  established,  which,  in  turn,  was  subordinated  to  the
            requirements of the organism as a whole — the multicellular organism. The further

            developmental  stages  of  these  organisms  may  be  found  in  any  standard  text  on
            evolutionary biology.

            Let us now focus our attention on the qualitative differences between the various types
            of cells that comprise a single multicellular organism. What are the qualitative features
            determining differences in cellular function and structure? They are as follows:

            First, the curvature of the microcosm inside the cell changes, causing the disintegration
            of complex intracellular organic molecules. The spatial curvature reaches the astral

            level and the released primary matters begin to flow through the channel to that level.
            On the astral level, cells of the astral body begin to form an exact duplicate of the
            cell’s etheric body ( (F Fi ig g. .   2 26 6) from the same G-matter as the cell’s etheric body.

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