Page 70 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 70

«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov

            During this process the velocity and amount of the circulating primary matters between
            these levels keeps changing, giving rise to new qualities, properties, and potentials on

            the different qualitative levels of the cell.

            The next change in the cell’s physical structure occurs when the entire cellular system
            — physical, etheric and astral — alters the microcosmic dimensions by a value of ∆λ',
            thereby creating a secondary transformation of microcosmic space to accommodate
            three kinds of primary matters.

            ∆λ'3 ≈ -3 x 0.020203236…

            When  this  occurs,  the  third  qualitative  barrier,  the  barrier  between  the  planetary
            physical and first mental levels disappears. Primary matters flow to the first mental
            level via the cellular channel and the cell’s first mental body is formed in consecutive
            order out of the three kinds of primary matters G, F, and E (F Fi ig g. .   2 28 8).

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