Page 118 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 118

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  Know people, the stream of the
                  River of Time will bring hard times
                  To the Sacred Land of the Great Race...
                  Only Priests-Keepers of the Ancient
                  Knowledge and Secret Wisdom
                  Will remain on this Land…
                  ... Because people will use
                  The force of Midgard-earth’s elements
                  And destroy the Small Moon
                  Together with their beautiful World ...
                  And the Circle of Svarog will turn then
                  And the human Souls will be horrified…

                  3. (83). The Great night will come upon Midgard-earth.
                  And Celestial Fire will destroy many Lands of Earth...
                  Vast Deserts will be there,
                  Where wonderful gardens flowered…
                  Seas will be rolling
                  Where life-giving dry land was,
                  And high mountains, covered by eternal snows,
                  Will appear where the sea waves washed…

                  4. (84). People will hide in caves from
                  Poisonous death-bearing rain,
                  And will eat the flesh of animals,
                  Because the fruits will be filled with poisons
                  And, having eaten them, many people will die…
                  The poisoned streams of water will bring
                  Death to the Children of the Great Race and
                  Descendants of the Celestial Clan,
                  And thirst will make people suffer…      112
                  Thus, after this planetary catastrophe, most of the people who had managed to
            survive were very quickly reduced to a primitive level. The infrastructure of Civiliza-
            tion was eliminated completely: most cities and installations were destroyed. After
            the first catastrophe most technologies were saved and the Sacred Race’s civilization
            quickly  restored  much  of  that  which  was  lost  when  Da’Arya  sank  into  the  ocean
            abyss; this time nothing of the kind happened. Let us remember that after the First
            Catastrophe  the  Sacred  Race’s  civilization  moved  to  Western  Siberia  and  was  re-
            stored there. This fact can be confirmed by the stone map of Western Siberia with
            thousands of kilometers of giant channels, dams and landing grounds. I will remind
            readers that this three-dimensional map was made according to unknown technology,
            using information which can ONLY be got from space, which indicates a highly de-

                  112  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas, The Perun Vedas Santias. The First Circle. Santia 6, p. 44-45.

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