Page 119 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 119

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            veloped civilization, especially if we compare it with the one that exists now.

                  The whole north  of Eurasia was covered by  glaciers. As  long as they  moved
            southward during the Great Cold Snap (ice-age), they wiped the grandiose installa-
            tions of our ancestors off the face of the earth. The glacial invasion made our ances-
            tors go south and southeast, taking only the most necessary things with them. The
            highest mountain ranges in the south of Midgard-earth forced the waves of migrants
            to move south-east and south-west. Thus, they were divided into two streams. How-
            ever, some people remained in the south of Western Siberia —where the glacier did
            not reach (Fig. 21).

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