Page 138 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 138

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  The White Dog which will bring the revival of the Great Race
                  And awakening of the Spirit-patron of the sons of the Celestial Clan …
                  The Sacred land will be cleared from the millennial slave
                  Yoke of the Alien enemies who sacrifice
                  Their children’s blood and flesh and poison the Souls of
                  The children of the Celestial Clan with lies and unfair flattery…       123

                  The White Dog will bring liberation from the millennial slave yoke of the Alien
            enemies. According to the Slavonic-Aryan chronology, the year of the White Dog is
            7501 or 1992 A.D. The Soviet Union, the social parasites’ work, ceased to exist in
            exactly the year of the White Dog! This can not be a simple coincidence! For the last
            thousand years, during the Night of Svarog, Russenia survived several stages of en-
            slavement by one and the same Dark Force. This Dark Force acquired different faces
            and forms changing itself according to any situation. But this was one and the same
            Force which had one and the same conductors of its will. It is of interest; how clearly
            did these conductors of the Dark will understand their role and place in this game and
            whether they understand them now?

                  Is it possible that these conductors of this will, befuddled by the idea of their ex-
            ceptionality do not understand the simple truth that they are only a disposable instru-
            ment  in  the  dirty  hands  of  these  space  social  parasites?  Do  they  understand  that
            these space social parasites will get rid of their disposable instrument despite the re-
            sults of its job, like a hired assassin gets rid of the weapon, regardless of whether the
            “attempt” was successful or not? The “hired assassin” has seriously injured Russenia
            with the help  of his disposable  instrument;  the wounds were  very serious, but not
            mortal ones. Although the last “wound” on Russenia’s body was a “wound” inflicted
            in 1917 and was very grave, the crisis has passed and in 1992, exactly in the year of
            the  White  Dog,  Russenia  and  the  land  of  the  Sacred  Race  was  liberated  from  the
            claws of this space predator.

                  Exactly in 1992 Russia got rid of the communist pest which  the mediators of
            Dark Forces used for taking power in the Slavonic Empire. Certainly, we live now in
            the beginning of the new Day of Svarog, twilight of dawn, but a new Day has already
            began and nothing and nobody will be able to stop the process of Midgard-earth’s
            liberation from the long-time slavery of Dark Forces. The people’s awakening from
            this nightmarish sleep will be hard and long. It is necessary to re-establish the truth
            about the events happening on Midgard-earth in order to facilitate this transitional pe-
            riod at the beginning of the Day of Svarog and to awaken the genetic memory. That
            is why the information from the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas and other ancient sources is
            of incredible value. Thanks to the Priests-Keepers, these priceless documents were
            saved and became accessible for people. Some sources are more than one hundred
            thousand years old, some — forty or twenty thousand. In order that these books could
            be preserved for so long, their pages were made of gold plates and only due to such
            foresight  do  the  real  proofs  of  the  Great  Past  of  Russian  people  exist.  And  these

                  123  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas: The Perun Vedas Santias. The First Circle. Santia 6 p. 48.

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