Page 135 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 135

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            indicates that this was very unusual thing for the people of the White Race. It turns
            out to be a very interesting picture: the absence of beards and the red color of the skin
            is a miracle, and the flight on spaceships over the ocean is a trivia.

                  Thus, the people of the white race met the people of another race when the Ants
            developed the North American continent and near-by islands. Most likely, this event
            happened twenty to twenty five thousand years ago, no earlier, because the represent-
            atives of the yellow, red and black races colonized Midgard-earth almost simultane-
            ously approximately 35-40 thousand years ago. For many thousands of years the in-
            terests of new migrants and the interests of the first colonists, the white race, did not
            intersect. It is fully possible that precisely the white race brought other races from
            their native Earth-planets to Midgard-earth, thus, rescuing them from complete elimi-
            nation by Dark Forces. Most likely, the migration was not carried out by the colonists
            of the white race, but by the union of Light Civilizations of the white race, whose
            possible allies in the fight against civilizations of Dark Forces were civilizations of
            the yellow, red and black races. The Galactic war between the Union of Light Civili-
            zations of the white, yellow, red and black races and the Dark Civilizations of the
            grey race resulted in capture or destruction of many Earth-planets which yellow, red
            and black races populated. That is why the refugees from different Planets came sim-
            ultaneously to Midgard-earth about forty thousand  years ago and were placed  ac-
            cording to their racial features in the climatic areas maximally close to the conditions
            of their native Earths which they had had to abandon.

                  It  is highly  likely  that, in addition to  the  experiment with civilizations  of the
            white race, Light Forces decided to use Midgard-earth to create conditions for con-
            ducting similar experiments with the representatives of the yellow, red and black rac-
            es. This can explain the compact placing of different races on different territories of
            Midgard-earth and the fact that our planet received the refugees from many planets of
            each race. Such “piling up”, to be precise, in three separate “piles”, of small groups of
            people from a great number of different civilizations of each race is impossible to ex-
            plain by a simple fortuity. Like it is impossible to explain by simple fortuity the loca-
            tion of different races at large distances from each other dividing them by oceans,
            highest  mountain  ranges  and  large  deserts.  Someone  considered  it  necessary,  for
            some reason, that these four races did not know about the existence of each other for
            a great many thousands of years and that their vital interests did not intersect for as
            long as possible.

                  Only the representatives of the Union of the White Race Civilizations, who were
            observing the course of the multiple experiments could easily cross these natural bar-
            riers and regularly visited the representatives of one or another race using their Vit-
            manas. The myths of the yellow, red and black races preserved proofs of this — they
            tell about “Gods” which appeared on their “Celestial Chariots”. It is of interest that
            these “Gods” who visited the people of the yellow, red and black races and gave them
            knowledge and skills after the planetary catastrophe 13 016 years ago (2007) were
            white people. I will come back to this curious fact later. I only would like to mention
            that some tribes which have been living almost in complete isolation for a long time
            preserved legends about their star roots. These legends contain an amazingly exact

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