Page 228 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 228

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  Green – the positive and creative niches of the economic system;

                  Yellow – the ballast niches of the economic system;

                  Red –the negative or destructive niches of the economic system

                   When they succeed in doing it, they create an economic system in which social
            parasites control all categories of economic niches, including the active ones: for that,
            they do not need to oust anyone from their active economic niche. They did not and
            do  not  have  the  slightest  desire  to  create  or  make  anything  with  their  own  hands.
            They preferred and prefer only to reap the fruits of others’ labour. Therefore social
            parasites  prefer  to  take,  explicitly  or  secretly,  the  social  and  passive  niches  in  the
            economic system. When social parasites succeed in taking the control over the eco-
            nomic system openly, they create a social organism for themselves and call it the so-
            cialist  society  which  is,  in  essence,  a  state  capitalism  plus  slave-owning  society
            (Fig. 32):

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