Page 230 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 230

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  Green – the positive and creative niches of the economic system;

                  Yellow – the ballast niches of the economic system;

                  Red –the negative or destructive niches of the economic system.

                  The difference between capitalist and socialist societies is that social parasites
            fully control the state with socialism and convert the rest of the people into slaves
            which are deprived of any property, except for minimal means of subsistence, the re-
            ceiving of which fully depends on the social parasites. It is of interest that social par-
            asites are able to take control over a social organism only at the capitalist stage.
            Naturally, it is not a casualty.  Powerful instruments were necessary even for the
            secret control of the social organism which was observed in the epoch of feudalism.
            Finances are such instruments for social parasites. There is a question: how do social
            parasites get this powerful weapon? In fact, it has never played any significant part in
            any social organism.
                  Social parasites were usually banished from communities and clans and, at very
            best, they took their personal belongings and weapons with them. The healthy social
            organism  almost  always  coped  pretty  easily  with  “their  own”  parasites.  So,  what
            happened? How did social parasites succeed in getting this overall control? Before
            analyzing this problem, let us pay attention to one interesting “detail”. Because of the
            fact that people and tribes of different races were and are at different levels of devel-
            opment the transition from one economic system to another and the development of
            the existent one happens unequally. Therefore, often we can observe the coexistence
            of different economic systems in different social organisms — states. Even in antiq-
            uity  the  social  organisms-states  co-operated  with  each  other  economically,  inde-

            pendent of their size; they could be tiny, consisting of one small town and a few ham-
            lets, others were enormous — one needed to travel from the capital many days and
            weeks to reach their boundaries — with a great number of large and small cities and
            villages. One way or another, every state had its social organism and current econom-
            ic system.
                  Every economic system had its parasitic economic niches, but they had no in-
            fluence in any social organism-state, especially in the early stages of economic de-
            velopment. People who “filled” these niches excited only contempt in the major part
            of their community. As already said, the people of the white race expelled their social
            parasites. The contingent of outcasts consisted of killers, rapists and spongers. Only

            when extended reproduction appeared, new parasitic niches, like robbery and usury,
            began to emerge. Both “businesses” were despised by all. People who occupied these
            economic niches tried not to thrust themselves forward. Robbers always led a secret
            way of life. Although usurers, did not live secretly, they were nevertheless forced to
            restrain their irrepressible “appetites”, otherwise they were easily “treated” for exces-
            sive avidity. It seems everything was more or less steady and acceptable and there
            was no place for Dark Forces (social parasites) to act. It seems that they had no sup-
            port on Midgard-earth. Dark Forces could not find any kind of support among the
            tribes of the white race, but… genetic predisposition to natural parasitism was inher-
            ent in the black race because of the natural conditions of its existence.

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