Page 240 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 240

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            understand how Dark Forces get control over men of the grey sub-race. But how do
            they control the women of the “chosen people”?

                  Let us analyze this in order to avoid any “misunderstanding”. As for the Eves of
            the “chosen people”, I would like to remind readers that any woman of the grey sub-
            race initially carries in herself one black race X-chromosome which is blocked for
            the introduction of astral parasites and one white race passive female X-chromosome
            (more details in Chapter 1). This state of affairs with female chromosomes appeared
            as a result of the genetic correction carried out by the Urs in Dravidia (Ancient India)
            to neutralize the active black race X-chromosome transformed by astral parasites. As
            a result of this correction the women of the grey sub-race had as their genetic formula
            — XX.

                  As it follows from the fragment of the Old Testament, Eve had sons only from
            Jehovah’s “divine” seed (according to the Old Testament they were Abel and Seth).
            Probably, only the Y-chromosome of the “God”-hermaphrodites and the female  X-
            chromosome of a human are genetically compatible. One way or another, the hybrid-
            ization between the  “God”-hermaphrodites and earthly humans  gave  only mestizo-
            men, while the women of the grey sub-race did not carry “divine” genes. Most likely,
            this is the reason for the contemptuous attitude of men-Israelites to their women, es-
            pecially in ancient times. It is hard to say, whether it was exactly the absence of “di-
            vine” origin or not, that the men of the “chosen people” despised their women, never-
            theless, these despised women gave birth to them and their children. Therefore, in or-
            der to prepare them for fulfillment of the “great” mission, the active black race X-
            chromosome, so important for Dark Forces, must be freed from the blockage created
            by Light Forces. That is why the followers of Kali-Ma cult left Dravidia and went to
            the Country of Artificial Mountains without demur.

                  Some of the Hyksos, which continued their way to the Land of Kush after they
            had conquered Ancient Egypt, pursued exactly this purpose according to the “general
            plan”  of  the  Old  Testament—Torah.  Exactly  there,  in  the  Land  of  Kush,  the  new
            Black Mother’s sacred place, the new paradise was located, which was a substitute
            for the lost first paradise in Dravidia. The Old Testament tells about it very clearly.

                  According  to  legends,  the  Hyksos  who  had  gone  to  the  Land  of  Kush  disap-
            peared without trace and … in 300 years several hundred men, women and children
            unexpectedly appeared in the Country of Artificial Mountains. Exactly these several
            hundred Hyksos from the Land of Kush began, in the future, to call themselves the
            Israelites — the “chosen people”. At the same time, they treated their congeners who
            had never left Egypt and who met them with open arms, with great scorn, not to men-
            tion other people of the grey sub-race. What happened to them in the Land of Kush?
            Probably, the answer to this question is in those Judaic books (about forty) which
            have never been translated into other languages and to which far from every rabbi has

                  Nevertheless,  the  information  to  which  we  do  have  access  allows  us  to  draw
            quite exact conclusions. According to the Old Testament (Torah), in the new para-
            dise located in the Land of Kush, astral parasites reactivated the active  black race

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