Page 274 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 274
Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1
In Khazaria the former “enemies” — the Mazdaki and anti-Mazdaki-Jews —
peacefully reunited after the “tragic” division of the Simeon tribe into two parts at the
time of Mazdak’s revolt. Thus, the Israelite Simeon tribe became whole again in the
lands of Khazaria. The Israelite-Mazdakis’ arrival in Khazaria can be explained quite
easily: they had nowhere to go except north, away from “ungrateful” Persians who
did not “estimate” very highly the ideas of “brotherhood” and “social equality” of-
fered them by the fighters for “justice” absolutely “free”. But why did the Israelite-
anti-Mazdakis “suddenly” decide to go northeast from Byzantium? Was it really just
the desire to be reunited with their relatives?
The answer is much more prosaic. Khazaria “sat” on the Great Silk Route:
and whoever controlled Khazaria controlled this “gold-mine”! The Israelites of the
Simeon tribe could not “pass by” such a temptation. “Emptying” the Persians and
Romans’ pockets as well as the state treasury of these richest empires, the Israelites
“burdened” with gold and silver came to Khazaria. The “experience” which they ac-
quired in the Persian Empire was not valid for Khazaria. Naturally, having such capi-
tal, they pretty quickly forced local parasites out of their economic niches. They acted
the same way everywhere, but this was not enough for them! Trade in general (not
just the slave-trade), a traditional Judaic source of super-profits (parasitic trade),
could be that golden “key”, in direct and figurative sense, which could open a “secret
door” to the yet more rapid accrual of riches than everything in which the Israelites
had been previously engaged.
The next Night of Svarog was approaching; the most favourable for the Israel-
ites time, when they could easily “press” the necessary “buttons” of man’s animal na-
ture and, manipulating it, move forward to their cherished aim — the accumulation of
gold and silver. Khazaria was exactly that “door” which could grant them access to
the fulfillment of the first stage of the task. Therefore, it was exactly Khazaria where
“accidentally” the Israelites-Mazdakis came in the middle of the 6 century A.D., and
then in the middle of the 7 century A.D, the Israelites-anti-Mazdakis came after a
short stop in the Byzantium Empire. Reuniting after one hundred years of “unbeara-
ble” separation, the “poor” wanderers without a Motherland began to fulfill the next
grandiose plan. The first “echelon” of the Judaic offensive on unsuspecting Khazaria
was the institution of Judaic fiancées.
Judaic women, specially trained in sexual magic, formed the front line of the at-
tackers. This Judaic “weapon” has never “misfired”, only this time the strategy and
tactic was slightly different. Giving the most beautiful sisters, daughters, and some-
times, wives, trained in the magic of sex, to the Khazarian elite as wives, concubines
or sexual slaves, the Israelites began to fulfill the plan. Over the course of time more
and more Khazarian elite took Jewish women, having heard a lot about their special
“talents” and “abilities”. While Israelite men, having enormous resources in gold and
silver, forced local social parasites and merchants out of their niches, Israelite women
gave birth to children for the Khazarian elite, who according to Judaic laws were Is-
raelites, educated by their mothers as Israelites, i.e. according to Judaic traditions,
but inheriting their position in Khazarian society from their fathers.
In Khazaria, as well on all lands of the Slavonic-Aryan Empire, nationality was
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