Page 336 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 336

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  Therefore,  the  second  plan  —  the  financial  Judaic  revolution  in  the  USA  of
            1929, better known as the Great Depression — came into effect. This became possi-
            ble only because in 1913 the president of the USA gave the right to emit the dollar to
            a  private  bank  which  belonged  to  the  financial  Judaic  group  of  Rothschild-
            Rockefeller-Morgan. On taking power in the main and most profitable sectors of the
            American economy with the help of the financial revolution, the Judaic financial oli-
            garchy implemented the second plan for taking power in the world, an important role
            in which was given to the USSR, independent of whether Stalin and Co. wanted to
            participate in it or not. And they did it the following way…

                  2.31. The American Judaic financiers create fascist Germany

                  Offended, humiliated and robbed after World War I Germany was an ideal can-
            didate for the Israelites to realize their plan for taking power worldwide, therefore,
            the Judaic financial oligarchy began to create fascist Germany. To do this they chose
            the  German  national-socialist  party  with  an  Austrian  Israelite  Adolf  Hitler  (Adolf
            Schickelgruber) at the head as  their instrument. The  events in  the Russian Empire
            clearly  showed  that  the  idea  of  Judaic  internationalism  appeared  to  be  a  stillborn
            child. The “black” Israelites were delighted to accept financial help for revolutionary
            revolts in their countries, but when they succeeded in taking power, they were reluc-
            tant to continue bringing “freedom” on “their” bayonets to other countries. They were
            fully satisfied with what they already had in their hands and were unwilling to lose
            what they had attained or to die for the sake of the Judaic financial oligarchy’s inter-
            ests which, besides, considered them to be second class people. The conflict between
            the groups of Leyba Bronstein (Trotsky) and Joseph Jughashvili (Stalin) demonstrat-
            ed this unwillingness clearly enough.

                  Due to the abovementioned, the Judaic financial  oligarchy, mainly  of the  Le-
            vites,  stopped  cherishing  great  expectations  in  respect  of  the  “black”  Israelites.  I
            would like to remind readers that the God Jehovah set the Levites over all the Israel-
            ites. The reason for his “love” of them is that this Judaic tribe descends directly from
            Seth, the son of Eve and the God Jehovah, about which is written in both the Torah
            and the Old Testament (in the chapter “The divine seed restoration”.) Therefore, they
            staked everything on national-socialism which, in itself, contained the ideas of Judaic
            socialism but on the nationalistic basis of a single country — Germany! It was im-
            possible to choose the best time for national-socialism. After World War I the Ger-
            mans felt themselves humiliated, robbed  and betrayed by  all, and the  talk  of their
            special historic mission was healing balm to their souls.

                  Taking the above reasons into account, the Judaic financial oligarchy considered
            Germany to be an ideal instrument to achieve their millennia aim. The refusal of Jo-
            seph Jughashvili and Co. to fulfill the planned world conquest developed by the Juda-
            ic financial oligarchy under the name of “The Permanent revolution” entailed the ap-
            pearance of a new plan — the creation of fascist Germany.

                  Before  the  elections  in  Germany  of  1933  were  held,  some  corporations  and
            banks  had  contributed  one  million  three  hundred  and  ten  thousand  dollars
            ($1,310,000.00) to the Nazi party’s funds. Also, there were individual donations of

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