Page 341 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 341
Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1
the financial circles, through their protégé — President Franklin Roosevelt — in-
volved the United States in the war on the side of the Anti-Hitler coalition. In fact,
the USA provoked Japan into delivering a blow to the American naval base at Pearl
Harbour on Hawaii. Only after this could Roosevelt overcome the isolationist dispo-
sition of the American Congress and Senate and begin to fulfill the program for the
robbing of European countries. The United States came as an incendiary who, on set-
ting the fire, offers water to extinguish it at a very “reasonable” price! Why was all
this needed? The goal was the same; to take control over the world: at the beginning
of World War II the United States barely influenced world policies and economy. It
was the colonial empires of England, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal and the
Netherlands that controlled the world.
The British colonial Empire, which was a real monster and controlled the half
the world, occupied a special place. For almost five hundred years misty Albion pre-
vailed on the seas and oceans, and the wealth from its enormously rich colonies, the
richest of which was India, flowed back to the British Isles. We can only imagine
what treasures were collected in England over the course of five hundred years!
However, when World War II was over, it was deep in debt to the United States. The
riches stolen from colonies or accumulated over five hundred years, in the space of a
few war years appeared in the depositories of American banks which, naturally, be-
longed to Israelites.
The same happened with other colonial empires: they found themselves in ex-
actly the same situation when World War II was over. In addition, the greater part of
Europe appeared in ruins with a severely undermined economy! Almost all colonial
empires ceased to exist and the reason for this was not national liberation movements
in these colonies, but because the empire capitals just did not have the money to
maintain their administration, colonial police and army. They had to reduce their ac-
tivity in most colonies and exactly this constituted the principal reason for their inde-
pendence. In fact, the inhabitants of colonies have never been happy about colonial
authorities and here and there incited rebellions which were pitilessly repressed by
colonial troops. So, the principal reason why the empires lost their colonies was their
impoverishment as a result of World War II.
The only country which came out of the war with an unprecedented economic
boom was the United States of America! However, not only did the economy boom
and the riches of half the world accumulate in this country as a result of this war, but
also its political position in the world arena changed dramatically. After World War
II the USA became a leading world power, the counterbalance of which was the So-
viet Union. The analysis of the results of this war involuntarily compels us to ask the
question: to whom it was advantageous? It turns out that it was advantageous only to
the American Judaic financial circles. The winner which carried the main burden of
the war and had the biggest human and economic losses was the Soviet Union. Ac-
cording to official data, the USSR paid twenty eight million human lives for the vic-
tory over fascist Germany! Germany lost nine million human lives. All these victims
were sacrificed so that the higher echelons of the Judaic financial oligarchy got con-
trol over the economy of the planet! Control of the economy means real power
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