Page 360 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 360
Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1
veloping the technical level of the country enough, they unleashed a war against the
Old Empire of the White Race for world domination. The First planetary war on
Midgard-earth happened with the use of nuclear and thermonuclear weapons by Ant-
lan (Atlantis). In order to stop the inevitable elimination of the planet, the Light Hier-
archs destroyed the nearest Moon, Fatta, together with the nuclear and thermonuclear
weapons. However, it was impossible to avoid a catastrophe. The nuclear winter be-
gan, the angle of the axis changed... as a result of which the civilization of Midgard-
earth was cast into the Stone Age...
1. Midgard-earth’s North Pole before the fall of Fatta’s fragments.
Fig.19. — When the axis of the planet
changed by 23.5 degrees as a result of
the planetary catastrophe 13016 years
ago (2007), the poles moved to their
present-day location. The sharp
change of Midgard-earth’s axis caused
by the blows of falling fragments of
the small Moon, Fatta, resulted in seas
and oceans bursting their banks and
movement of the tectonic plates. Con-
sequently, some areas of dry land sank
into ocean depths and in some places
the sea-bottom became dry land. The
face of the planet changed. Thousands
of volcanoes woke up simultaneously;
other thousands appeared when pow-
erful blows caused a great number of
cracks in the crust through which
magma rushed up from the planetary
All this resulted in the death of a
lot of people and the destruction of
almost everything created by our civilization before this catastrophe. Only in the
depth of the continents where the raging waters of seas and oceans were unable to
reach, was the devastation not total, although the powerful earthquakes, which ac-
companied the motion of the tectonic plates, did not spare much. The “Doomsday”
with which almost all religions threaten their followers from time to time, already
happened 13, 016 years ago (2007), and all alive today are already living after it,
which certainly does not mean that this kind of thing could not be repeated in the fu-
ture. It means only that as a result of the planetary catastrophe Midgard-earth’s civili-
zation was cast away from the galactic level of development to a level of primitive
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