Page 363 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 363

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            of living nature in the initial stages, but its predominance in the initial phases of the
            development of reason decelerates the evolution of a civilization, and sometimes re-
            sults in its devolution. On the contrary, the predominance of F- and E-primary matter
            favours the development of both, an individual and civilization as a whole.

                  The predominance of one or another primary matter of our Universe affects a
            civilization especially strongly in the initial stages of its development. When the E-
            primary  matter  prevails,  the  conditions  for  the  development  of  the  fourth  material
            body of an individual and a civilization as a whole appear. Our ancestors called the
            time when our galaxy entered the area of the Universe with  E-primary matter pre-
            dominant, the beginning of the “Day of Svarog” which lasted for the period during
            which our galaxy passed through this spatial area.

                  1. The first human material body (physical body).

                  2. The second human material body.
                  3. The third human material body.

                  4. The fourth human material body.

                  5. The point of entrance of the planetary system in the spatial area of the Day of
            Svarog with the E-primary matter predominance.

                  6. The point of exit of the planetary system from the spatial area of the Day of
            Svarog with the E-primary matter predominance.

                  G — the first primary matter.
                  F —the second primary matter.

                  E —the third primary matter.

                                                              Fig.24. — The point of exit of the plane-
                                                              tary system from  the spatial area  of the
                                                              Universe with the E-primary matter pre-
                                                              dominance. It is the beginning of evolu-
                                                              tional twilight for Midgard-earth’s civili-
                                                              zation:  the  intensity  of  the  E-primary
                                                              matter streams decreases, and the nearer
                                                              to the beginning of the Night of Svarog,
                                                              the  worse  the  “evolutional  climate”  for
                                                              the development of man. The evolutional
                                                              “kick” of the Day of Svarog created by
                                                              the  Universe  itself,  comes  almost  to
                                                              naught by the end of the Day of Svarog.
                                                              The  evolutional  day  makes  way  for  the
                                                              evolutional  night  which  is  called  the
                                                              Night of Svarog.

                                                                    The  heterogeneity  of  the  Universe
                                                              creates  the  conditions  not  only  for  the
            origin of life, but also for the appearance of reason in living matter. Everything in na-

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