Page 374 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 374
Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1
1. Active economic niches.
2. Social economic niches.
3. Passive economic niches.
4. Parasitic economic niches.
B – communal society;
С – slave-owning society.
D – feudal society.
Green – the positive and creative niches of the economic system;
Yellow – the ballast niches of the economic system;
Red – the negative or destructive niches of the economic system.
Red rectangle in the middle – “the Jews”.
Fig.40. — The time which the
Israelites had been expecting
for so long and for the sake of
which they had accumulated
the initial capital came at the
beginning of the era of capital-
ism. They advanced the arrival
of this time by all possible
(and impossible) means. After
Cromwell’s Bourgeois revolu-
tion in England in 1642-1653
and the “Great French” revolu-
tion in 1789 behind which was
Judaic capital, the New Era —
the Era of Social Parasites’
Domination — began. The
time of its beginning fell on
the second half of the Night of
Svarog (988-1996).
The distinctive feature of
the Social Parasite’s Era was
the depersonalization of capi-
tal, when the Israelites, first
through figure-heads and then directly, began to invest the enormous parasitic capital
they had accumulated for centuries into the economy of one country after another,
gradually ousting and usurping national capital. On taking economic control over one
or another country, the Israelites began to rebuild their economy according to the par-
asitic way. The symptoms of this kind of economic transformation were aggressive
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