Page 375 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 375

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            foreign policy and the expansion of “democratic freedom” in other countries inde-
            pendent of their desire and will...

                  1. Active economic niches.

                  2. Social economic niches.

                  3. Passive economic niches.
                  4. Parasitic economic niches.

                  С – slave-owning society.

                  D – feudal society.

                  E – capitalistic society.
                  Green – the positive and creative niches of the economic system;

                  Yellow – the ballast niches of the economic system;

                  Red – the negative or destructive niches of the economic system.

                  Red rectangle in the middle – “the Jews”.
                                                                        Fig.41.  —  By  the beginning  of
                                                                        World  War  I  in  1914,  capital-
                                                                        istic  social  relations  were  pre-
                                                                        sent almost in every country of
                                                                        the  world  in  one  or  another
                                                                        form.  They  were  developed  es-
                                                                        pecially strongly in Europe and
                                                                        the  USA.  However,  national
                                                                        capital  continued  to  prevail  in
                                                                        the economy of these countries.

                                                                        The  Judaic  financial  mafia  in-
                                                                        flicted its first blow on the USA.
                                                                        In  1913  the  Federal  Reserve
                                                                        Bank,  which  always  was  a  pri-
                                                                        vate  bank  and  belonged  to  the
                                                                        financial  group  of  Rothschild,
                                                                        Rockefeller  &  Morgan,  got  the
                                                                        right  to  emit  the  dollar.  The
                                                                        President  of  the  USA,  Wilson,
                                                                        gave  the  right  to  print  state
                                                                        banknotes to private persons.

                                                                              Nothing of the kind has ev-
            er happened in any country either before or after. The same financial group stood be-
            hind World War I in 1914 and the Judaic revolution in Russia in 1917, as a result of
            which,  the  Israelites  took  total  power  in  the  Russian  Empire  and  the  genocide  of,
            primarily, Russian people began. After World War I national capital in the European
            countries began to lose one position after another, and in the USA the financial Judaic

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