Page 21 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 21

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

            problem  manifested  as  a  disappearance  of  a  portion  of  matter  discovered  during
            certain nuclear processes.

                  At  a  special  international  conference  of  physicists  in  Geneva,  after  long
            discussion,  this  simple  "solution"  was  offered:  the  vanishing  matter  is  inside  a
            particle, the neutrino, which we can neither see, hear, feel, nor detect with any

            existing scientific apparatus.

                  So, the disappearance of matter during nuclear reactions was of the kind known
            to scientists. However, in the case of "dark matter", 90% of matter in the universe
            just  vanished.  Surprisingly,  people  incapable  of  explaining  even  what  they  can
            "touch" call themselves scientists and pass judgment on everyone else. Even more
            astonishing is that everyone else listens to them.

                  So  it  is  actually  the  unbound  (non-interacting)  primary  matter  of  our
            universe that constitutes this apocryphal "dark matter." As for physically solid

            matter, it originates as a result of the merging of primary matters in a nonuniform
            zone of space dimensionality. Now let us return again to the matter of nonuniform
            space dimensionality.

                  In a previous work (op. cit.). I described the formation of six interposed material
            spheres arising from synthesis of the hybrid forms of seven types of primary matter
            within a zone of dimensional nonuniformity (see Fig. 7).

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