Page 25 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 25

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

                  This is related to the elements' degree of stability. The key fact here is that as
            elements  absorb  radiation,  their  changes  in  dimensionality  become  supercritical  in
            some cases. Atoms then decompose until stable elements are formed.

                  Among  radioactive  elements  are  tritium  and  deuterium,  as  well  as  the
            transuranium elements. What is the cause of such diversity? The difference in their
            atomic weights is more than two hundred fifty units, yet all of them are radioactive.

            But  there  is  no  inconsistency  here.  Everything  is  very  simple:  initially  they  have
            different  levels  of  dimensionality.  Uncombined  (free)  hydrogen  can  have  a
            dimensionality level of any of the values within the following spectrum:

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