Page 77 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 77

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

                  There primary matters G, F and E gradually accumulate in the cells of the first
            mental level. The first mental body becomes increasingly dense until it reaches the
            optimal density level and the entire process is repeated again....

                  It  is  important  to  note  that  every  qualitative  barrier  between  the  planetary
            spheres maximally affects any primary matters that are not constituents of the spheres
            through which they move. This is due to the fact that each planetary sphere lacks a

            primary  matter  found  in  its  neighboring  sphere's  composition.  For  example,  the
            etheric sphere is composed only of G matter; the astral of G and F; the first mental of
            G, F and E, etc. (For further details, see Ch. 1, op. cit.).

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