Page 82 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 82

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

                  In this case, all of primary matter G, which is a component of all bodies on all
            cellular levels, is absorbed in the normal course of the cell's life cycle. Each cell body

            —  etheric,  astral  or  mental  —  absorbs  the  primary  matter  appropriate  to  its
            qualitative composition. Thus the cell's etheric body fills up only with type G; the
            astral body with G and F; and the first mental body with G, F, and E.

                  Thus,  type  G  circulates  on  all  cellular  levels  as  the  cell  disintegrates.

            Accordingly,  each  level  gets  only  a  partial  allotment  of  type  G  stemming  from
            disintegration of the physical cell.

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