Page 175 - Revelation
P. 175

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            turned  out  that  they  stayed  there  forever.  It  was  1942  already  and  the  Seriogins
            compassionately  observed  the  country  they  liked  so  much  being  squeezed  by  the
            tentacles of the "brown" octopus of the Nationalsozialismus stronger and stronger... On
            crossing the front line, they hoped that they could reach France from Lithuania, but the
            "brown plague" shut the door into the "big world" for them (and thus for my father),
            this time forever.

                  But life went on and the Seriogins gradually began to settle down in the new place
            of  dwelling.  They  again  had  to  look  for  a  job  to  have  some  means  of  existence.
            Fortunately, one could easily find a job in industrious Lithuania. Therefore, very soon
            life began to take its normal course and it seemed that everything was again well and
                  My dad began to "temporarily" attend Russian school (Russian and Polish schools
            were not an uncommon thing in Lithuania), which he liked very much and decidedly
            refused to leave it, because permanent wandering and changing of schools influenced
            his studies and what was more important – prevented him from having real friends
            without which it is hard to exist for any normal boy.

                  My grand-dad found quite a good job and had the opportunity to "unburden his
            heart" in his adored forest at weekends. And my grandmother had her little new-born
            son and dreamed of staying in one place for a while, because she did not feel well
            physically and was extremely tired of the permanent wandering, just as was the whole

                                            Neman surrounded by Alytus forests

                  Several years passed unnoticed. The war ended long ago and life gradually came
            to normality in all respects. My dad was a diligent pupil and teachers predicted a gold

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