Page 178 - Revelation
P. 178

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            profession, came to party meetings with very long hair (which I can say was absolutely
            fabulous). The party bosses were enraged and he was thrown out of the party for the
            third time and in a while was returned again against his will. I witnessed the whole
            "saga" and when I asked him why he constantly "ran into trouble", he calmly answered:

                  «This is my life, and it belongs to me. And only I am responsible for how I want
            to live it. Nobody on earth has any right to impose on me persuasions which I don’t
            believe, and I don’t want to believe, because I consider them a lie.
                  This is how I remember my father. It was exactly his conviction of his absolute
            right to his own life that thousands of times helped me to survive in the most difficult
            circumstances. He  recklessly, I would say maniacally, loved Life! Nevertheless, he
            would never agree to do a mean act even if his life depended on it.

                  This was how the life of the young Vasiliy Seriogin was in Lithuania then – on
            one hand fighting for his personal "freedom" and on the other, writing wonderful verses
            and dreaming about "feats" (my dad was an incorrigible romantic to the last days of
            his life!). He did not have any idea who he was in reality and, if we discard the "biting"
            actions of the local "authorities", I could say that he was quite a happy young man. He
            did not have a "lady-love" yet, probably because his days were full of work or because
            he had not yet found his "one and only true one".
                  But at last fate decided that it was high time for him to stop being a bachelor and
            turn the wheel of his life toward the "female charm" which appeared exactly the "only
            and true" for which my dad had waited so persistently.
                  Her name was Anna (or Ona in Lithuanian) and she was dad’s best friend Ionas
            (Ivan in Russian) Zhukauskas’s sister. He was invited for the Easter breakfast that
            "fatal" day. My dad had visited his friend’s place several times, but by a strange whim
            of fate he never saw her and certainly did not expect that on this spring Easter morning
            such a stunning surprise would wait for him there...

                  A brown-eyed dark-haired girl opened the door and in this short instant conquered
            dad’s romantic heart for the rest of his life.

                  A little star

                  I was born in the land of snow and cold,
                  You grew up in the country of blue lakes...
                  Whilst a boy, I fell in love with a little star

                  – Light and shining like the morning dew.

                  Maybe you loved it too,

                  When in the days of sad bad weather,
                  You confided your maiden dreams to it,

                  Like to your closest friend.

                  Whether the rain poured or a
                  Snow-storm swept in the field,

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